June – Autumn Chain

The June block is the Autumn Chain block. Your fabric selection can make this block very modern. This block uses squares, rectangle, half-square triangle (HST) units, and no waste flying geese (FG) units. Please reference our paired HST tutorial and no waste FG tutorial.
We suggest using six fabrics for this block. If you need help planning out your colors, you can download a coloring sheet for the whole quilt here.

Step 1
Cut pieces from your chosen fabrics.
Fabric A:
(2) 2.5” squares
(1) 2.5” X 6.5” rectangle
(1) 7.25” square for FG units
Fabric B:
(1) 4” square
(1) 3” square
Fabric C:
(1) 4” square
(1) 3” square
Fabric D:
(1) 4” square
(1) 3” square
Fabric E:
(1) 4” square
(1) 3” square
Fabric F:
(4) 4” squares for FG units

Units needed for Autumn Chain block:
(4) 3.5” X 6.5” A/F FG units
(2) 3.5” B/C HST units
(2) 3.5” D/E HST units
(2) 2.5” B/C HST units
(2) 2.5” D/E HST units
(2) 2.5” A squares
(1) 2.5” X 6.5” A rectangle
Step 2
Assemble B/C and D/E HST units. Pair 4” squares and trim to 3.5”. Pair 3” squares and trim to 2.5”.
Reference paired HST tutorial for detailed instructions.
Step 3
Assemble no waste FG units from (1) 7.25” A square and (4) 4” F squares. Trim units to 3.5” X 6.5”.
Reference no waste FG tutorial.

Step 4
Arrange block layout.

Step 5
Assemble center unit using small HST units, A squares, and A rectangle.
There will now be 9 unit sections in the overall block layout. See picture.
Step 6
Assemble block.

Step 7
Trim block to 12.5” square.
Boulder MQG members can download a PDF of the pattern in the member area.
Play along with us and make sure you share your blocks so we can see your progress! On Instagram use #bouldermqgbom18 and tag us @bouldermqg On Facebook share your blocks on the Boulder Modern Quilt Guild page.We may even share your blocks on our blog, Facebook, or Instagram!