The open sew will be Saturday, August 24 at JVA Inc. Training Center at 1319 Spruce St., Boulder, CO. We will be doing an Instagram tutorial if anyone has been wanting to get started with an account. If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

The September 5 evening meeting with be a Carnival Night with tons of games and prizes. We’ll be giving more details soon, but if you haven’t made a nametag yet, make sure to get that done before the meeting. And if you’ve already made one, make sure you wear it!
Unoccupied : The Importance of Negative Space a juried gallery show open to BoulderMQG members and the deadline is coming up soon. All submissions must be in by September 1, 2019. The show will run November 14, 2019 – January 6, 2020 at The Collective – Community Arts Center in Lafayette. We hope all members will submit something, read the call for submissions here.
August was a UFO checkin meeting so we saw a lot of finished projects for show and tell.
The next UFO due at the October meeting is number 5. We are getting towards the end, only one more after this!
We also had two new members at the meeting, and Eliu showed off his amazing reclaimed denim quilts.
Laura L., Rebecca, and Julie Y. presented on Quilt Design Software. Laura L. discussed Adobe Photoshop, Rebecca covered Adobe Illustrator, and Julie Y. talked about EQ. They compared the different software and discussed the pros and cons of each for quilt design. The PDF of the presentation is available in the Member Section.