The next color harmony we are looking at is Split Analogous colors. To make a split analogous color scheme, you skip the colors in between an analogous color scheme. You will be selecting split analogous colors this month to create your block.

This split analogous theme is red-violet, red-orange, and yellow-orange and it skips red and orange between them. Unlike the regular analogous color scheme which usually consists of one primary, one secondary, and one tertiary color, a split analogous scheme can be all tertiary colors or a combination of primary and secondary. Split analogous color schemes are more vibrant and contrasting than an analogous color scheme.

You should select a split analogous color scheme of 3 colors to use for your block. Unlike the August analogous block which featured warm or cool colors that stayed within the same color family, the split analogous color scheme might have more variation. Some of the split analogous color schemes do stay within cool or warm color families, but others will deviate from them.

You can add more depth to your block by using different values of split analogous colors. As with all the schemes we’ve been exploring this year, it’s all personal preference.
Choose your split analogous colors and select your fabrics. Once you’ve applied your choices to your blocks share them with hashtag #bouldermqgcolorstudy19.