Dec 30, 2019 | UFOs
We weren’t going to do another UFO challenge this year, but the general consensus was that people liked the accountability of it. So it’s back, but a little bit different.
We will still be working on a randomly assigned project every other month and you will still be in charge of what completed means.
Completed could be a quilted and bound quilt, but it doesn’t have to. You could indicate that completed means cutting all the fabric for a quilt. Or finishing all the blocks you need. It can be whatever you want to get done, or if you’re one of those rare quilters who don’t have a lot of UFOs, you could even use this as an opportunity to track projects you want to start this year.
However, we will not be doing monthly prizes, or doing UFO specific show and tell. We’d still love to see your completed projects, but if your UFO was just to pick a pattern or to cut out some fabric, we are going to use the honor system.
This is getting started a little later this year, so there will only be one month for the first project. However, since there aren’t monthly prizes, it really is ok if you need extra time. We will be announcing the other numbers at the February, April, June, August, and October evening meetings.
There aren’t any monthly prizes planned, but who knows what surprises we might come up with. In September we will be doing an extra boost to finish projects with a 30 for 30 challenge. Every day for the month you’ll work on a project for at least 30 minutes. It doesn’t seem like much, but it really does add up!
You can submit your UFO list here, and when you do you will receive the first number to work on. Please make sure you keep a list of your projects, we will not be sending out individual project lists. There is a project tracker sheet here that you can use for your records. And make sure you share your progress using #bouldermqgufos so we help cheer you on!
Aug 30, 2019 | 2019 Block of the Month, Color Theory, Evening Meeting, Events, Negative Space Quilt Show, Quilt Show, UFOs
The September evening meeting will be held at our new location:
Thursday, September 5 from 6 pm – 8:30 pm
Sister Carmen Community Center
655 Aspen Ridge Drive
Lafayette, CO 80026
We will be conducting our annual membership survey at our September evening meeting. Please come with your ideas and requests for 2020 guild events, activities, and education programs. Following the business meeting we will be serving snacks, playing games, and giving out some great PRIZES!!! There are some additional ways you can earn a chance to win a prize; make and wear your quilty name tag (see the blog post here), bring in swap items for the free “garage sale” table, and consider what purse/bag you carry for our quilty edition of “Let’s Make a Deal-ish”.
In August we pulled the next number for the UFO Challenge. Please be working on UFO #6, due at the October evening meeting. Share with #bouldermqgufos or email photos of finished projects before the October meeting.
The deadline for the Negative Space quilt show has been extended and we will be accepting submissions until the website link is removed in the first week of September. If you have not submitted yet GO HERE.
Don’t forget to keep sewing along with the color study quilt. Monthly blog posts are available HERE. You can catch up at any time. Tag your posts #bouldermqgcolorstudy19
Please make sure you have mailed your postcards to anyone you received cards from. If you did not get any cards in the mail please contact Laura L. for more information. Also, please email or post on Instagram photos of the postcards you received and sent!
If you are participating in the Kona COTY mini quilt challenge, please make sure you are working on a quilt 36” or smaller. We will share these quilts at the October open sew.
The next open sew will be Saturday, September 21, 9am-4pm. We will be sewing at our new location, Sister Carmen Community Center, 655 Aspen Ridge Drive, Lafayette. Our QuiltCon Charity Quilt Committee will lead us in sewing letters for our charity quilt entry. If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Apr 16, 2019 | Evening Meeting, UFOs
Remember that the April open sew has been canceled. The next open sew will be Saturday, May 18. If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Signups are still open for the BMQG 2019 Kona COTY challenge. The last day to sign up will be Sunday, April 21 and fabric will be distributed at the May 2 evening meeting. Read the challenge rules and guidelines and sign up here.
Over on Instagram we have the #bouldermqgfabricpull challenge going on and we’d love to have you join us. Each month there will be a new prompt for a fabric pull. You don’t have to make anything, but we’re hoping you’ll be inspired to!
April’s theme is “Spring Pastels” and Karla put together a great post explaining her step by step fabric pull process. Make sure you read that here.
April was the second UFO check in for the year, so we started off the meeting with show and tell. It’s been great to see all the projects being finished!
Claudia and Karla presented on Modern Quilting. They explored modernism in art, the evolution of quilting styles leading up to modern quilting. They explained the design elements surrounding modern quilting and showed examples of these elements in action.
The presentation PDF is available to download in the member area.
Our next evening meeting will be Thursday, May 2 from 6-8:30pm.
Feb 20, 2019 | Evening Meeting, UFOs
The next open sew is Sunday, February 24. If you plan on attending, please make sure to RSVP. Tracy’s Basic Skill Building demo will be on French Seams. If you would like to learn how to make a pillowcase with this method, bring three 1 yard pieces of fabric.
The meeting was the annual member meeting and started off with going over the budget and updates from all the committee heads. We have a lot of great programming planned for 2019, and you can still sign up to help.
The full meeting minutes are available in the Member Area.
Members can submit a blog post here or sign up from an open sew demo here.
There are 23 UFO challenge participants, and 17 finished their first projects. Not everyone had their projects at the meeting to show (remember, you can email them or post them on Instagram using #bouldermqgufos if you can’t be at the meeting)
The next number was drawn and it’s 5. This needs to be completed by the April 4 evening meeting, so get working!

All of the finished UFOs ended up taking far longer than expected, so Laura L. and Rebecca presented the world’s fastest overview of different color harmonies. There will be slower, more in depth explorations for each month of the 2019 Color Study Quilt.
At the March 7 evening meeting we will be discussing fabric selection. If you have any specific questions, please get in touch and let us know!
Dec 26, 2018 | UFOs
We have decided to accept late UFO entries (after all, isn’t that what this whole challenge is about?)
Everyone who has already submitted their UFO list has received the project assignment for the February deadline. Normally we will be posting this for everyone, but this time we are keeping it secret to give more time to sign up for the challenge.
You can still submit your UFO list here, but the first project will still be due in February. The absolute deadline to submit your UFOs to be included in the challenge is the open sew on Saturday, January 19. But the longer you put it off, the less time you will have to work on it!
Nov 13, 2018 | UFOs
Last year we started a UFO challenge but it didn’t make it through the whole year. We are trying again this year, and we mean business! First, let’s go over the rules:
Sign ups due by December 6
Choose 6 projects that you would like to finish in 2019. Now, here’s where things are a little different. You don’t need to have a finished quilt at the end, you get to decide what completed means.
Completed could be a quilted and bound quilt, but it doesn’t have to. You could indicate that completed means cutting all the fabric for a quilt. Or finishing all the blocks you need. It can be whatever you want to get done, it just has to be the same as what you put on the sheet you turn in.
At the December 2018, February, April, June, August, and October 2019 evening meetings, a number will be drawn. These numbers will correspond to the projects on your sign up sheet and over the next two months you will work to on your project.
During the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December 2019 bring your completed project for a chance to win small prizes. For each project completed throughout the year (on time or not) you’ll get an entry into an end of the year grand prize basket. And if you write a blog post about the completed project (you can submit it in the Member Area) you’ll get another entry!

If you want to participate, make sure you submit your list of UFOs by December 6. You can download the sheet or submit it online here. And make sure you share your progress using #bouldermqgufos