Remember that the April open sew has been canceled. The next open sew will be Saturday, May 18. If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Signups are still open for the BMQG 2019 Kona COTY challenge. The last day to sign up will be Sunday, April 21 and fabric will be distributed at the May 2 evening meeting. Read the challenge rules and guidelines and sign up here.
Over on Instagram we have the #bouldermqgfabricpull challenge going on and we’d love to have you join us. Each month there will be a new prompt for a fabric pull. You don’t have to make anything, but we’re hoping you’ll be inspired to!

April’s theme is “Spring Pastels” and Karla put together a great post explaining her step by step fabric pull process. Make sure you read that here.
April was the second UFO check in for the year, so we started off the meeting with show and tell. It’s been great to see all the projects being finished!
Claudia and Karla presented on Modern Quilting. They explored modernism in art, the evolution of quilting styles leading up to modern quilting. They explained the design elements surrounding modern quilting and showed examples of these elements in action.
The presentation PDF is available to download in the member area.
Our next evening meeting will be Thursday, May 2 from 6-8:30pm.