The color harmony this month is Triadic Colors. A triadic color scheme simply means a group of three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel. The most basic triadic schemes are Primary colors; red, yellow, blue, and Secondary colors; orange, green, violet. If you want to create a more dynamic triadic scheme you can select tertiary colors to create your group.

Our sample scheme consists of Yellow-Orange, Red-Violet, and Blue-Green. We chose to use tertiary colors to keep the scheme soft and flowing. If you prefer to select primary or secondary colors, you can. This may create a more vibrant scheme that visually vibrates as the colors compete for dominance.
Select 3 colors for your triadic color harmony block. You can add more depth to your block by using a variety of values of your triadic color scheme. Remember, your colors should be evenly spaced around the color wheel.

As we have stated in the past, color is mostly about personal preference. If you just love the primary or secondary colors then stick with those for you triadic scheme. Choosing a tertiary scheme only works if you like those colors. Here are some sample triadic color schemes.
Stitch up your Triadic Colors block. We can’t wait to see what you make; share them with hashtag #bouldermqgcolorstudy19.