We weren’t going to do another UFO challenge this year, but the general consensus was that people liked the accountability of it. So it’s back, but a little bit different.
We will still be working on a randomly assigned project every other month and you will still be in charge of what completed means.
Completed could be a quilted and bound quilt, but it doesn’t have to. You could indicate that completed means cutting all the fabric for a quilt. Or finishing all the blocks you need. It can be whatever you want to get done, or if you’re one of those rare quilters who don’t have a lot of UFOs, you could even use this as an opportunity to track projects you want to start this year.
However, we will not be doing monthly prizes, or doing UFO specific show and tell. We’d still love to see your completed projects, but if your UFO was just to pick a pattern or to cut out some fabric, we are going to use the honor system.

This is getting started a little later this year, so there will only be one month for the first project. However, since there aren’t monthly prizes, it really is ok if you need extra time. We will be announcing the other numbers at the February, April, June, August, and October evening meetings.

There aren’t any monthly prizes planned, but who knows what surprises we might come up with. In September we will be doing an extra boost to finish projects with a 30 for 30 challenge. Every day for the month you’ll work on a project for at least 30 minutes. It doesn’t seem like much, but it really does add up!
You can submit your UFO list here, and when you do you will receive the first number to work on. Please make sure you keep a list of your projects, we will not be sending out individual project lists. There is a project tracker sheet here that you can use for your records. And make sure you share your progress using #bouldermqgufos so we help cheer you on!