The May evening meeting is:
Thursday, May 2 from 6 pm – 8:30 pm
Alfalfa’s Market
785 E South Boulder Rd
Louisville, CO 80027
Please note: this will be our last evening meeting at Alfalfa’s. Due to changes to their room rental policy, we will be moving locations of our meetings. We are working out the final details of the new location in the Louisville area and will inform everyone soon.

If you signed up for the Kona COTY challenge, we will be distributing the fabric at the meeting.
The May evening meeting will be a little different. This is a hands on presentation, so members must bring a pair of paper scissors, and a work surface (clip board, piece of cardboard or any lap size sturdy surface. We will study the use of negative space in quilting. This is to start your creative juices flowing in making a quilt for our end of the year quilt show “Unoccupied: The Importance of Negative Space”.
The May open sew will be on Saturday, May 18 at Alfalfa’s Market. If you plan on attending, please RSVP.
We will be doing a giveaway for anyone who has finished their 2018 BoulderMQG quilt top by the May 18 open sew. Make sure to bring your finished tops for show and tell.
The BoulderMQG will be presenting “Unoccupied : The Importance of Negative Space“, a quilt show sponsored by the The Collective – Community Arts Center. The show will run from November 14, 2019 – January 6, 2020 and is open to any BoulderMQG member to submit quilts to be juried. Submissions open May 1, but you can read the full call for submissions here.
March was the first month of the Boulder MQG fabric pull challenge. Every month there is a new fabric pull prompt on Instagram. You don’t need to actually make anything, we just want to see how you interpret the prompt and the fabrics you choose. But if you are inspired to make something with the fabric pull, we’d love to see that too! The first prompt was “Hoarded Fabric” and here are the fabric pulls that were posted. For April the prompt is “Spring Pastels” and Karla wrote a fantastic blog post about her process for choosing fabrics, make sure you read that here. So play along and post your fabric pulls on Instagram using #bouldermqgfabricpull We’d also love to have you write your own post explaining how you choose fabrics, if you’re interested in sharing your process, you can submit a blog post in the member area.