The October evening meeting will be held:
Thursday, October 3 from 6 pm – 8:30 pm
Maggie’s Sewing and Vacuum
1450 Main St
Longmont, CO 80501

Our speaker this month is Mary Ramsey, who is a teacher at Lyons Quilting. Come hear Mary’s unusual take on color by using simple arithmetic to achieve balance and interest in a scrappy quilt. She will also be speaking on the Top 10 Misconceptions about Modern Quilting and will bring several quilts to show.*
*Guests are welcome to attend but will need to pay a $5 fee. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.
#6 project for the UFO challenge is due at the October evening meeting. To leave as much time as possible for our guest speaker, we will only be doing UFO show and tell, and it will be extremely quick. Please save any other show and tell projects for the October open sew.
The next open sew will be Saturday, October 19, 9am-4pm. We will be sewing at Sister Carmen Community Center, 655 Aspen Ridge Drive, Lafayette. If you plan to attend, please RSVP. Please remember that RSVPing is important because it ensures we have enough space set up, but also allows us to better plan for shared supplies.
The jury selection emails for Unoccupied : The Importance of Negative Space quilt show have gone out. Thanks so much to everyone that entered. The opening reception will be the evening of November 15 and we hope everyone will be able to come see this new show! If you’d like to make sure to receive information about the show, sign up for our newsletter. (There is a form at the top of the page and the blog sidebar).