October – Sawtooth Star Variation

October’s block is a classic Sawtooth Star with a variation border frame. The use of QST units gives a layered look to this block. Squares and HST units are also used in this block. Please reference both the QST and paired HST tutorials for detailed instructions.
We suggest using four fabrics for this block. If you need help planning out your colors, you can download a coloring sheet for the whole quilt here.
Step 1
Cut pieces from your chosen fabrics.
Fabric A (white):
(2) 4.5” squares for QST units
(2) 4” squares for HST units
Fabric B (orange):
(2) 4.5” squares for QST units
(2) 4” squares for HST units
Fabric C (gray):
(4) 4” squares for QST units
Fabric D (pink):
(1) 6.5” square

Units needed for sawtooth star variation block:
(4) A/B/C QST units
(4) A/B HST units
(1) D 6.5” square
Step 2
Assemble A/B HST units from 4.5” squares to use in QST. Trim to 4”.
Assemble A/B/C QST units from 4” A/B HST units and 4” C squares. Trim to 3.5”.
Please reference our QST tutorial for detailed instructions.
Step 3
Assemble A/B HST units from 4” squares. Trim to 3.5”.
Please reference our paired HST tutorial for detailed instructions.

Step 4
Arrange block layout.
Step 5
Sew together left side, center QST units, top to bottom. Sew together right side, center QST units, top to bottom. Rearrange block layout after pressing the left and the right QST unit pairs.
Step 6
Assemble block in rows.

Step 7
Trim block to 12.5” square.
Boulder MQG members can download a PDF of the pattern in the member area.
Play along with us and make sure you share your blocks so we can see your progress! On Instagram use #bouldermqgbom18 and tag us @bouldermqg On Facebook share your blocks on the Boulder Modern Quilt Guild page.We may even share your blocks on our blog, Facebook, or Instagram!
Please look at the cutting and piecing instructions. I believe there are errors in both. A/B HST for QST, are the wrong colors?! What do I need 4-1/2” grey squares for?
I’m so sorry, I had them mislabeled. It’s corrected now.