Thank you for your interest in writing a post for the Boulder MQG blog. We are hoping for the blog to be a great resource for members and your help is essential for that to happen!

A lot of people aren’t used to writing for a blog, so here are some guidelines to follow:


Ideally your post should be a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 1500 words. If it’s too long it may be split into two posts.

Please make sure to write unique, original content.

  • It’s important to provide links to any sites you might have gotten information from. Think of this like a report you wrote in school, you always need to cite your sources!

We might make some edits to your post to correct grammar, add clarification, or adjust the wording to be more consistent.

  • Generally we will plan on just posting after it’s been proofread. Please let us know if you want to read over any changes before we post it.


Make sure to include photos for your post.

The photos should be well lit and clear

Please send as large of photos as possible, we might need to edit or crop them. If you are emailing photos you took on your phone, make sure you are sending them full size.

If you are struggling with taking pictures, bring the items to an open sew or evening meeting and we can do the photos together.

If you are doing a step by step tutorial, please make sure to indicate in the post where the pictures would go.

  • For example, you could put something like (insert photo1.jpg here)

Please try to provide your own photos. If you are sending photos from other sites, make sure to send us a link of where you found it.


I will send you a Google Calendar invite with a due date for your blog post, if you won’t be able to finish the post in time, just let me know. Feel free to email me with any questions you might have! Thanks again for your help!