Staying Connected – Introduction to Our Improv Challenge
For a couple months we will be putting out a weekly improv quilting prompt on our Instagram account @bouldermqg. Follow us there so you can play along. We want this to be a fun and stress free way to sew with each other while we are social distancing. Use our hashtag...

Staying Connected During COVID-19
I'm sure all of you are starting to feel the effects of social distancing as we deal with this global pandemic. There definitely will not be a March open sew or an April evening meeting, and an April open sew seems very unlikely as well. We will hopefully be able to...

March 2020 – Meeting Recap and Announcements
ANNOUNCEMENTS In an effort to keep everyone healthy, we will be canceling the March 21 open sew. Keep an eye on the BoulderMQG Instagram for some at home sewing encouragement. And use #bouldermqgathome to participate in our virtual open sew. As of right now we have...

March – Half Rectangle Triangles
By Laura Loewen CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS Fabric A - purple 5.5”x7.5”5” square Fabric B - lime 5.5”x7.5”3.5”x8”(3)2.5”X6.5”2.5”X8.5”4.5” square5” square Fabric C - orange (2)3.5”x8” Fabric D - pink/purple 5.5”x10”5” square Fabric E - teal...

Half-Rectangle Triangle Tutorial
By Laura Loewen Our first month’s skill is Half-Rectangle Triangles (HRT). These differ from Half-Square Triangles (HST) because they are directional, which means the direction you sew your diagonal makes a difference in the finished unit appearance. Another...

Introducing the Boulder Modern Quilt Guild Mystery Block of the Month Challenge 2020!
We are excited to present the 2020 Block of the Month challenge. This year we are doing a Mystery Block of the Month and it will run from March - October 2020. Each block will cover a new skill or technique that we hope you will be more comfortable with after...

Barb’s Favorite Tool – Folded Corner Clipper by Creative Grids
Barb discovered this awesome tool while attending Quilt Market for a Quilt Store I worked in many years ago. The Folded Corner Clipper by Creative Grids can save you time when making half square triangles, cornered rectangles, flying geese, diamond in a square,...

February 2020 – Meeting Recap and Announcements
ANNOUNCEMENTS Right now there are two different shows that have quilts from Boulder MQG members. The Boys are Back in Town runs through April 25 at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum and features a quilt by member Eliu. MakerMade2020 is at the Boulder Public Library...

January 2020 – Meeting Recap and Announcements
ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you to everyone who has paid their dues for the 2020 membership year. Please remember that access to the member area is only for current members. If you'd like to join or renew, you can do that here. The open sew will be January 18, 2020 at Sister...

2020 UFO Challenge
We weren't going to do another UFO challenge this year, but the general consensus was that people liked the accountability of it. So it's back, but a little bit different. We will still be working on a randomly assigned project every other month and you will still be...