Remember way back in June when we exchanged center blocks for our first BoulderMQG Round Robin? Well, eight of our members have been working hard for the past 4 months and we finally got to see what all the hard work looks like. During our October Open Sew the quilt tops were revealed!

Each round lasted about a month, between our evening meetings, and hand offs were made secretly so the owners of the quilts never saw them in progress. For the last round participants had and extra couple weeks to add their borders and were returned at the open sew day. The quilt tops were constructed as medallion quilts. For each round the participants added a border to the quilt they were working on. Suggestions on width were given but the design was up to the maker to follow the guidelines requested by the owner.

Every quilt turned out beautiful! It was a great surprise to see the fabulous construction and unexpected designs that all the participants put into the quilts.


Alia’s center was worked on by Karla, Julie Y, Rebecca, and Katie A. Her vision was bright colors and a mountain sunset.

Katie A’s quilt was added to by Laura L, Barb, Missy, and Alia. Katie wished for a pastel pink garden quilt with picket fences and florals. She even has a bit of Liberty in each border!

Laura L’s quilt top was compiled by Barb, Missy, Alia, and Karla. Bright solid colors by Michael Miller and low volume prints were used to create Laura’s one-of-a-kind quilt.

Karla’s quilt team included Julie Y, Rebecca, Katie A, and Laura L. The rules were broken from what was requested; quadrant backgrounds remaining consistent all the way to the outer edge. However, Karla was okay because this striking quilt looks great!

Missy has a very unique quilt. Alia, Karla, Julie Y, and Rebecca made borders for this all solids, bright colors medallion quilt.

Rebecca supplied the gray background fabric and asked makers to use pinks, purples, teals, and navy scrappy fabrics for border additions. Katie A, Laura L, Barb, and Missy made up this quilt crew.

Barb requested a quilt with not too much pink and she has a winner! Missy, Alia, Karla, and Julie Y added borders to this lovely quilt top.

Julie Y paper pieced her center with precision. She requested that Rebecca, Katie A, Laura L, and Barb use a “log cabin” approach to adding borders. She wanted all solid fabrics. This quilt is so striking!


All the participants enjoyed the challenge of piecing borders using somebody else’s rules and style. Several of the people who made quilts for this 2018 Round Robin have expressed that they are excited to do another group quilt round robin project. They are in luck and so are you! Members of BoulderMQG can sign up for the 2019 Round Robin. It will take place February – June, 2019. Read the full BoulderMQG Round Robin guidelines and sign up in the member area here.


Rebecca Greco
Author: Rebecca Greco