For our March color study we will be looking at Secondary Colors; Orange, Green, and Violet. Secondary Colors are the colors made by mixing adjacent Primary Colors; Red + Yellow = Orange, Yellow + Blue = Green, Blue + Red = Violet.



You should apply the three secondary colors to your block in a balanced manner. Because we are still working with a block with more than three changeable components, you will again need to choose where to apply the fabrics of each color.

Our sample block contains a variety of prints and solids in different values of each color; Orange, Green, and Violet.

You can again use the same three fabrics to fill in the changeable components, or you can select multiple options of each of the secondary colors; Orange, Green, and Violet. By picking different values or prints of each color you have the opportunity to make your block more dimensional. Remember, color is very subjective and you should choose tints or shades of each color in a variety that is pleasing to you. Be careful not to venture into tertiary colors where the hue is not a true secondary color. Here are some examples of fabric selections that would work to make your color study block featuring secondary colors.



Don’t forget to include at least one fabric of each secondary color; Orange, Green, and Violet. Then, arrange your block in a way that you love! We want to see what you made. Share it using the hashtag #bouldermqgcolorstudy19.

Rebecca Greco
Author: Rebecca Greco