We are now going to start our studies on color harmony. Color harmony is when you use combinations of colors to create orderly and pleasing arrangements. These arrangements should have congruity and balance; the harmony should engage the viewer. There are many types of color harmonies. The most basic consists of two colors; complementary colors. Complementary colors are two colors that are directly across from each other on the 12-color color wheel. You will be selecting complementary colors this month to create your block.



In this sample scheme we are showing violet and it’s complementary color, yellow. These two colors are directly across from each other on the color wheel. Complementary colors are always primary + secondary colors, or two tertiary colors. There are 6 combinations of complementary colors you can create from the 12-color color wheel. The primary + secondary pairings; Yellow + Violet, Red + Green, Orange + Blue. And the tertiary pairings; Yellow-orange + Blue-violet, Red-orange + Blue-green, and Yellow-green + Red-violet.



You should select one or two complementary color pairings to feature in your block. Complementary colors will fight for dominance within a color scheme and can create a vibrating effect. You can avoid this by selecting different values of the colors. This will allow one color to advance and one to recede creating a more harmonious color scheme.


Our sample block features both Orange + Blue and Red-Orange + Blue-green.


You can use just two fabrics to illustrate the complementary color harmony, or you can select tints and shades or a variety of prints to convey the pairing you picked. As we keep saying, color is mostly about personal preference. If you like a more scrappy looking quilt block, you might do better showing two pairings using multiple tints, shades, or prints of each color you have selected. Here are some fabric pulls showing how you could choose complementary fabrics for your block.



After selecting the complementary color pair(s) you will use, choose your fabrics and apply them to your block. Keep in mind that different values will help make your block more or less harmonious. Don’t forget to share your blocks with hashtag #bouldermqgcolorstudy19.

Rebecca Greco
Author: Rebecca Greco