The next color harmony we are looking at is Analogous colors. Analogous colors are colors that sit directly adjacent to each other on the color wheel. Typically an analogous color scheme is made up of 3 colors. You will be selecting analogous colors this month to create your block.

An analogous color scheme is usually made up of one primary, one secondary, and one tertiary color. Our sample scheme consists of Red (primary), Red-Violet (tertiary), and Violet (secondary). Analogous schemes tend to be less vibrant than complementary schemes because of the reduced contrast between colors in the color group. The term analogous means there is a common color in the scheme that links the 3 colors.


You should select 3-4 adjacent colors on the color wheel to feature in your block. Keep in mind that the most pleasing analogous schemes stick to either all warm or cool colors. Your block will have a monochromatic feel to it because all the colors share a common color link.

Our sample block features Yellow-Green, Green, Blue-Green, and Blue.

You can add more depth to your block by using different values of analogous colors. Or keep it simple and just share the 3-4 colors illustrated by your fabrics selected. It’s really all personal preference, just as all the other schemes we’ve looked at the past several months.

Choose your analogous colors and select your fabrics. Once you’ve applied your choices to your blocks share them with hashtag #bouldermqgcolorstudy19.

Rebecca Greco
Author: Rebecca Greco