Embroidery Needles for Big Stitch Quilting

Embroidery Needles for Big Stitch Quilting

An Editorial Review by Laura Loewen The views expressed are not necessarily those of The Modern Quilt Guild or The Boulder Modern Quilt Guild.   Awhile back I was searching for the perfect needle for big stitch quilting. There wasn’t much information available on...

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August 2018 – Meeting Recap and Announcements

August 2018 – Meeting Recap and Announcements

Announcements regarding the upcoming QuiltCon charity quilt, guild dues, the September Quilt As You Go presentation, and the Exploration in Sustainable Quilting entries.
There was a great turn out for the August big stitch quilting presentation with a ton of information on needles, thread weights, perle cotton 8 brands, and thimbles.

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The August block is a fast make of varied sized HST units. It also uses squares. Please reference our paired HST tutorial. We suggest using 2 fabrics. If you need help planning out your colors, you can download a coloring sheet for the whole quilt here....

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